
"Premiering" First time ever
FRIDAY NIGHT - AUGUST 6th - 7:00 - 9:00pm

LOCATION: Art-A-Fair Festival

Hope to spend a summer evening with you, come on down and have some fun!!!

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I am a tab junkie now.............
I am transcribing many songs that I have learned on the bass into what is called a bass tablature..............this allows you to read where to put your fingers during the song
only part you gotta do is find out how and when to press the notes.............

Stoke....here is a kewl tune from the son of Bob Dillon
simple but effective

Title : One Head Light
Artist/Group : The Wallflowers
Date - Time : 7/26/2004 - 9:23:26 AM
Created by : Hendricks / Folkestad / Brindley

E---3---2-----3-|use double notes for leads single notes with singer


Note Length (above the bass line):w=whole, h=1/2, q=1/4, e=1/8, s=1/16, t=1/32, .=1.5*previous.
Fingering (below the bass line):1=index, 2=middle, 3=ring, 4=pinkie, 5=thumb.
Special Note Symbols:
h = hammer-on from previous note
p = pull off from previous note
/or\ = slide up or down to note
b = bend note
S = slap the note with the right-hand thumb (left hand if left-handed)
P = pop the note with the right hand (left hand if left-handed)
t = tap the note with the right hand (left hand if left-handed)
H = harmonic
x = muted note
r = a rest.

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I have been called a blog slacker and seek to form a new corporation of which I can invite a few people into so I'm not all alone called

PUBS (peoples unified blog slack)
you be able to contact any of these offenders down at the local pub where many beers or well drinks are thrown back

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back to work after a 3 day weekend.......feeling a little groggy....was able to sneak in some wave time at the point with a long time buddy down from mammoth lakes I haven't seen for 20 years

we think the same as we used to when we were 17 years old and his car still looks messy as hell but there is nothing on earth as sweet as surfing with brohs in the lineup with nothing to say, just being together while feeling solo with mother earth

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"Hairy Tongue"
is all about I can say after opening night cermonies of Patron and Don Julio Tequila shooters.......A wonderful night was had by all and I sold many prints and wrapped up details for many commissioned peices

Halleluyah and thanks for the support

I will be at the Art-A-Fair in the next two month every friday night and most weekends.......let em know if you seek free tickets


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