
Satelite Image of Fires in California....10-28-03!!!

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"We may perhaps learn to deprive large masses of their gravity and give them absolute levity, for the sake of easy transport."

- Benjamin Franklin

Magnetic Levitation!!!

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Envision an ideal place to live or run a business, a friendly, safe and secure community with large areas of open space and extensive entertainment and recreational facilities. Finally, picture this community continually moving around the world. You are beginning to understand the Freedom Ship concept of a massive ocean-going vessel. With a design length of 4,500 feet, a width of 750 feet, and a height of 350 feet, Freedom Ship would be more than 4 times longer than the Queen Mary. The design concepts include a mobile modern city featuring luxurious living, an extensive duty-free international shopping mall, and a full 1.7 million square foot floor set aside for various companies to showcase their products.
Check out the photos...this ship is so big that a jumbo jet can land on top of it!!!

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I absolutely love fridays....but I must admit that Saturdays are my all time favorites.....
I have updated Tubesteaks website a little...check out his gift shop......he wants to start up a country store now!!!!!!

Also Paskowitz.com is due for a website facelift and I'm already on the project

The good thng about fridays is that saturdays are next up to bat!!!

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Pull Up Pull Up....Higher!!!

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The CancerBACUP Factsheet

Interferon is a protein that occurs naturally in the body in very small amounts. There are three main types of interferon: alpha, beta and gamma. This factsheet describes alpha interferon.

Interferon is prescribed to help treat a small number of types of cancer. These include cancer of the kidney, melanoma, multiple myeloma, carcinoid tumours and some types of lymphoma and leukaemia. It is also used to treat diseases other than cancer.

CancerBACUP can send you booklets or factsheets on your type of cancer.

What it looks like

Interferon alfa is a white powder that forms a clear, straw-coloured liquid when mixed with water. It can also be supplied ready diluted in small glass vials (bottles), pre-filled syringes, and special injection pen devices.

How it is given

As an injection just under the skin (subcutaneously), usually in the thigh or abdomen. You, or your relatives, can be taught how to give these injections, or a district nurse may visit you so that you can have your treatment at home. A variety of pre-filled syringes are available and it can be helpful to discuss with your doctor or nurse which way of giving the treatment would be most suitable for you.

Your doctor or specialist nurse will explain how often you should be given the drug, and how long the treatment course will last. This varies from person to person, depending on the illness they have.

How it works

Interferon is given to stimulate the body's own immune system to fight some types of cancer. The exact way in which it works is not fully understood. It is thought to have a wide range of biological effects. It may do one or more of the following:

* Slow down or stop cancer cells dividing
* Reduce the ability of cancer cells to protect themselves from the immune system
* Strengthen the body's immune system

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The Superconducting Super Collider
Interesting reading for you Super Geniuses!!!

Particle Physics: Where’s the beef!!!!!

Human curiosity about nature has surely been a major force in the progress of our civilization. History has been shaped by the irresistible urge to find out how the world works, and how we can use that knowledge to better our lives. Among the most basic questions that have always been asked are: What is the ultimate structure of matter? What are the forces by which matter interacts? How did the universe begin? Will it ever end?

These questions particularly the first two, but increasingly the last two as well fall within the domain of high energy physics upon which our knowledge of the other sciences ultimately rests. As biology and medicine are founded in chemistry, and chemistry in physics, so physics is founded in the study of the elementary particles and the forces that govern their behavior. Although the tree of knowledge will continue to be explored fruitfully at many levels, it is only by uncovering its deepest roots that we can fully comprehend the branches above.

Particle physics is perhaps the most fundamental of sciences, but astronomy is the oldest. Throughout history, nothing has so stirred our imaginations, scientific and poetic alike, as contemplation of the heavens. Until very recently, it could scarcely have been foreseen that some of the age-old mysteries of astronomy might be solved by looking in the opposite direction, into the world of elementary particles. Yet this is precisely what is now happening. Particle physicists in company with nuclear and atomic physicists, astrophysicists and cosmologists, are beginning to understand not simply what matter is, but where it came from, and when, and how.

Finding answers to such questions is important because everything else we want to know more about, space and time, energy and entrophy, life and death, the rocks of Earth and the fire of the stars is bound up with them. As our knowledge advances, so must the power and precision of the scientific instruments upon which further advances will crucially depend.

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New Terrorist Threats!!!

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Online Orgasmic Simulator!!!

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My brothers 40th birthday yesterday....he was having a hard time with the inevitable onrush of age and so we both played hookey from work and tried to go to Magic Mountain but it was closed and wound up going to Knotts berry farm for the whole day...totally acting like kids......no lines......we rode roller coasters so much that we both got a little queezy...unfortunately the big ride "acelerator" was closed but we managed to have an awesome time.....my brother is afraid of heights so I delighted in taunting him when we rode the big stuff!!!!!!!!

Did you know that Boysenberry is not an actual berry but a genetically altered combination of berries that old man Knotts concocted?.......kewl

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Insightful new study!

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Going to Catalina to get away from it all for a few days?

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Ghosts of the Abyss...Check it out...Kewl!

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Ever wonder what is your IQ?...take it here for free!

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Hello Blogness world....not really feeling like blogging today which is like if you can't decide on two issues then you still have made a choice

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flowing joy...........rip shred............bong toke...........way kewl.........thong panties
board surfing.......wind sailing........scuba diving.......

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be sure to remember to go to the 16th annual SEAFEST at San Clemente Pier this 10-5-03 sunday 12:00-3:00pm

I made the T-shirt this year and it is of Rocky himself catching an off the lip...70's style

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I'm sick of PC people wacking on the MAC
The PC is a reverse engineered MAC....do your homework
watch the movie "Pirates of Silicone Valley" and you'll be educated on facts
DOS was the biggest piece of shit imaginable....
if it wasn't for windows.....no one would be able to function easily on a PC
The PC like never before has become a MAC operating system with a GUI

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