Happy Birthday Dad....you are the man
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Life is good at Light Echoes.com
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be sure to see the movie....Second Hand Lions
It is a very good movie
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It is a very good movie
(0) comments9.22.2003
(0) comments9.19.2003
(0) comments9.18.2003
May the force be with you
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Opening the door I found myself alarmed at first at what I saw there. I turned my head for a moment repulsed and could have left but I was mysteriously intriqued, I needed to see more. I eased the door open wider as to not make any noise and there it was, mesmerizing in it hediousness, pure in form, rare to be seen. I was in terrible danger and feared for my life now that I got to see it in more detail. I dare not move.....at all. I am absolutely frozen in motion except for my eyes and breath. This creature catches a glimpse of me through the doorway from the noise it made when I eased it open, I must have looked like a frozen man on Mount Everest.
I see this other wordly creature tighten up like a giant spring, on the ready, I begin to feel sick with panic. My body goes into fight or flight. I wonder what the hell kind of creature is this, I've never seen this kinda of thing, anywhere, how do I describe it? Is must be some kind of alien creature or a military science experiment gone wrong. I try to control my breathing to look less frightened but to no avail.......
Like in grade school, I am now in the greatest stare off contest of all time, my posture is not comfortable so I know I will have to eventually move...if I fail this stare down I loose my life immediately and without hope of any contest, if I win........if I win... I only win a little more time with this ugly god forsaken creature perhaps unseen by anyone but me.....this pure killing machine.
It feels like an hour, but I'm sure it has only been minutes, all the while I get to observe in detail this unearthly creature and its abnormalities, I marvel ever so slightly on how our breathing seems to be synchronized........
Oh Shit.........I feel a inevitable sneeze coming on...that burning sensation underneath your nose so strong that trying to resist it makes your eyes swell up with tears and initiates your facial muscles to flinch........this creature can sense my mind crippling panic and surely can see the weakness in my vision as my eyes begin to flood with tears. I desperately try to hold off my sneeze...........the creature flinches like a cat in posture to ready itself for an attack or defense.......It is clear that I'm destined to sneeze without a doubt and the longer I hold it back the louder and stronger the sneeze shall be.........
I can barely see now........and here comes the sneeze........I formulate the most idiotic plan in pure desperation of the moment....I plan to allow the sneeze and make the loudest, most voicetrous god awful sound the planet has ever known........... like a godzilla movie soundtrack, and at the same time I hope to grab the door-knobless door and throw it shut in one fluid movement.........
I sneeze.............followed with a godzilla like roar and slam the door so hard it slams shut with a crack........ then passes my grasp to be wide open. I missed grabbing it from the temporary blindness only a sneeze can generate.......
There I stand naked in spirit and soul to this creature that is now standing in front of me, grotesque and deformed, hurt and angry, but not as mutually terrified as I am, growling a wierd noise like that of a pit bull when it is on attack, bloodied saliva drips slowly from it's ill formed mouth with inches of my feet.....
My eyes are flushed with tears and from my godzilla sneeze hangs an excess amount of nostril secretions, making it impossible to breathe normally.......I dare not make any movement at all to clear my nose or wipe my eyes......
Here we are again, the beast and I in another stare off, this time closer than a couple of teenagers at a school dance, I'm not feeling human now but more like a massive portion of sweet meat......then all of a sudden............ like a red light turning green, it happens...........
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I see this other wordly creature tighten up like a giant spring, on the ready, I begin to feel sick with panic. My body goes into fight or flight. I wonder what the hell kind of creature is this, I've never seen this kinda of thing, anywhere, how do I describe it? Is must be some kind of alien creature or a military science experiment gone wrong. I try to control my breathing to look less frightened but to no avail.......
Like in grade school, I am now in the greatest stare off contest of all time, my posture is not comfortable so I know I will have to eventually move...if I fail this stare down I loose my life immediately and without hope of any contest, if I win........if I win... I only win a little more time with this ugly god forsaken creature perhaps unseen by anyone but me.....this pure killing machine.
It feels like an hour, but I'm sure it has only been minutes, all the while I get to observe in detail this unearthly creature and its abnormalities, I marvel ever so slightly on how our breathing seems to be synchronized........
Oh Shit.........I feel a inevitable sneeze coming on...that burning sensation underneath your nose so strong that trying to resist it makes your eyes swell up with tears and initiates your facial muscles to flinch........this creature can sense my mind crippling panic and surely can see the weakness in my vision as my eyes begin to flood with tears. I desperately try to hold off my sneeze...........the creature flinches like a cat in posture to ready itself for an attack or defense.......It is clear that I'm destined to sneeze without a doubt and the longer I hold it back the louder and stronger the sneeze shall be.........
I can barely see now........and here comes the sneeze........I formulate the most idiotic plan in pure desperation of the moment....I plan to allow the sneeze and make the loudest, most voicetrous god awful sound the planet has ever known........... like a godzilla movie soundtrack, and at the same time I hope to grab the door-knobless door and throw it shut in one fluid movement.........
I sneeze.............followed with a godzilla like roar and slam the door so hard it slams shut with a crack........ then passes my grasp to be wide open. I missed grabbing it from the temporary blindness only a sneeze can generate.......
There I stand naked in spirit and soul to this creature that is now standing in front of me, grotesque and deformed, hurt and angry, but not as mutually terrified as I am, growling a wierd noise like that of a pit bull when it is on attack, bloodied saliva drips slowly from it's ill formed mouth with inches of my feet.....
My eyes are flushed with tears and from my godzilla sneeze hangs an excess amount of nostril secretions, making it impossible to breathe normally.......I dare not make any movement at all to clear my nose or wipe my eyes......
Here we are again, the beast and I in another stare off, this time closer than a couple of teenagers at a school dance, I'm not feeling human now but more like a massive portion of sweet meat......then all of a sudden............ like a red light turning green, it happens...........
Just a monday image of where I'd rather be right now
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It is hard to forget a scar that everyone can see
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Angst, Joy, anger, flotsam jetsam, soropolic zejotium, zechrinon rising, flowing medium with thinner
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Turtles Rock
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McDonough is circular referencing
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Damn it.........I'm a doctor Jim
you need not tell me that of which I already know captain
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you need not tell me that of which I already know captain
marital bliss, harmony unfolds for the greatness that a man feels and a woman endorses....
be gentle on the fragile ego of the male and we shall be gentle on the caress of flesh so giving and beautiful, so mutal, so different, so .........
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be gentle on the fragile ego of the male and we shall be gentle on the caress of flesh so giving and beautiful, so mutal, so different, so .........
The First Airbrush (year 1867).........notice the spoon!
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