Somewhere around San Onofre 8/2003...."you guys eaten in awhile?"
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San Onofre Kook Patrol
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a blog a day....make it real...feel the warmth.....blognium
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Tongue twisting wednesday morning poetry
absence of radial light perpetuates longitudinal fortification.
float the scent of purity upon the soul
grasp the righteousness in a clinched fist delivered to anothers torso
solo thinking flows in the river of consciousness
be two too follow your dreams of gratification
deferring my drive time as the dandelion grows
pharmaceutical extraction of innocence
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absence of radial light perpetuates longitudinal fortification.
float the scent of purity upon the soul
grasp the righteousness in a clinched fist delivered to anothers torso
solo thinking flows in the river of consciousness
be two too follow your dreams of gratification
deferring my drive time as the dandelion grows
pharmaceutical extraction of innocence
Mathematical Justification from insects for human hover aircraft
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(0) comments8.13.2003
(0) comments8.12.2003
(0) comments8.11.2003
soujourner feeling anxious, fullfillment unfullfilled, critical connection missed by a millisecond, one number from winning the lottery, should have been here yesterday...............
a very long ride over the falls on the biggest day you've ever surfed.....
this is the mood of some monday mornings.........
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a very long ride over the falls on the biggest day you've ever surfed.....
this is the mood of some monday mornings.........
(0) comments8.06.2003
NeoN is gone on vacation with his family and perhaps has already caught a northern wave or too
(there have been rumors that he too may be going to bakersfield - I'll check with Tubesteak)
Go Neon et al....be free like the wind...empty your refuge properly and join the sundance of splendor of
marital bliss and all the rewards of a late afternoon nap in a motorhome on some unknown beach front...........
Ride Sally Ride....may you name all of your dragons puff and shall your puff never be a monkey
NeoN oh Neon...find your glory and your purpose, come back to us readied and refreshed for tech support
I save a wave for you my friend in the line up of life. Teach us all the leashless ways and the two paddle drop in
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(there have been rumors that he too may be going to bakersfield - I'll check with Tubesteak)
Go Neon et al....be free like the wind...empty your refuge properly and join the sundance of splendor of
marital bliss and all the rewards of a late afternoon nap in a motorhome on some unknown beach front...........
Ride Sally Ride....may you name all of your dragons puff and shall your puff never be a monkey
NeoN oh Neon...find your glory and your purpose, come back to us readied and refreshed for tech support
I save a wave for you my friend in the line up of life. Teach us all the leashless ways and the two paddle drop in