Did you know that the Earth is constantly humming i.e. it produces a low frequency noise which can be picked up in the 2 to 7 mHz (millihertz) range, a range far below the one human ears can detect and scientist have now found that it is the energy produced in the Oceans that make the Earth 'hum.' According to the study, conducted by researchers from the University of California, earthquakes as was previously believed do not produce the noise, instead it is caused by the interplay of forces between the atmosphere, ocean and sea floor. The study, which has been published in the journal Nature, explains that the noise originates from the storm activity in the northern Pacific Ocean during the northern hemisphere winter and the Southern Ocean during southern hemisphere winter. The noise is caused when the energy created by ocean storms, which lead to the formation of powerful waves at mid-latitudes, travels to the seafloor because of the infragravity waves. These waves are then converted to seismic waves on the seafloor, which makes the humming noise. "The Earth's hum is generated by the interaction between atmosphere, ocean and sea floor," the BBC quoted the researchers as saying. |